Exam Ethics Conferences and Summits are organized in collaboration with friend and partner agencies, cover a wide range of themes including: exam ethics, good governance, anti-corruption, leadership, management, safe school, campus safety, contract administration, etc. Marshals serve as resource persons for best practices programmes and for education integrity initiatives.
Visit this page regularly to see upcoming conferences. If you would like to partner with us on conferences or be notified ahead of upcoming conferences, please contact us.

Exam Ethics Project (EEP)
EEP focuses on building structure and capacity for promoting ethics, integrity and best practices in admission, teaching, examination, certification, registration and regulation processes in education; combating exam malpractice and academic dishonesty and defending integrity of education. The project has three core objectives.
Recruitment, training, certification, induction and deployment ethics-friendly education stakeholders as Exam Ethics Marshals in educational institutions across Africa to champion and sustain the campaign in their institutions.
Training, induction and inauguration of Exam Ethics Students in Institutions to catch them young and plant the seeds of ethics, integrity and self-discipline in their fertile minds; to inculcate the culture of working hard to pass exams based on ethics compliant principles; and for zero tolerance for malpractice, dishonesty, corruption and cultism. Students are motivated and inspired with initiatives like Students Essay Competitions.
Inauguration of Chapters of Exam Ethics Marshals and Students in Friend and Partner Institutions as countervailing structures for resisting organized examination malpractice syndicates; and for institutionalization and sustenance of the Campaign.
Enlist online at Exam Ethics Manual is the major resource literature for the project.
Excel Partnership Project (EPP)
The project is designed to partner with governments and institutions to build capacity and strengthen the technical and integrity skills of educators to help students perform better in examinations based on ethics compliant principles and without resort to malpractices; to end cancellation of results of students by public exam boards for exam malpractice with attendance negative consequences that include perception of Nigeria’s education system as corrupt, psychological traumatization and frustration of students, and huge monetary losses. Impact assessment reports confirm that the project is;
Helping students perform better in examinations based on ethics-compliant principles. Performance of students in examinations improved by 65% in pilot states in Nigeria.
Decline in levels of examination malpractice. The exam malpractice index declined by 42% in terms of number of results cancelled for involvement in malpractices in pilot states in Nigeria.
Exam Ethics Excel Guidebook for Students is the major resource literature for the project.
Campus Sense Project (CSP)
CSP is being implemented in response to the challenge of Campus Cults ushering reign of insecurity, criminality, violence, deviant behavior and killings in higher institutions, and are now spreading to primary and secondary schools; and to creeks and streets.
Because innocent students with fertile impressionable minds eager to question and experiment get deceived into joining and becoming victims of cultism because of failure to forewarn them with knowledge of the dangers, it became necessary to mobilize parents, educators, institutions, agencies, governments to work together towards;
Distributing anti-cult early warning guidebooks and tool kits to empower students with knowledge to say no to cultism and equip parents and educators with insights to provide early counseling to students and children.
Implementation of orientation, enlightenment, mentorship programs.
Building capacity of teachers on use of anti-cult early warning and intervention tools to forestall spread to primary and secondary schools.
Incentivizing campus cult groups to transform and embrace culture of peaceful, humanitarian social campus clubs (fraternities and sororities).Campus Sense and Letter from Necropolis anti-cult early warning guidebooks serve as resource literature for the project.
Safe School Empowerment Project (SASEP)
SASEP is implemented through Safe School Academy International (a Special Project Vehicle of Exam Ethics Marshals International) with the support and facilitation of the Nigerian Police Force, Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps, Federal Fire Service, Nigerian Emergency Management Agency, Nigerian Army and Federal Road Safety Corps.
The project incorporates distribution of Safe School Manual to schools, educators, administrators and students; Safe School First Responders Training for proprietors, principal officers, school administrators, principals, teaching and non-teaching staff; Annual Safe School Leadership Consultative Conference of Education Leaders and CEOs; Safe School Short Lecture Series; Safe School Leadership Impact Awards to recognize and celebrate leaders for distinguished and outstanding contributions to safety and security of institutions; safe school risk assessment audits to identify gaps in the safety and security infrastructure of institutions. The project has benefited from UNESCO sponsorship for training of Principals and Teachers in insurgency states of North East region of Nigeria.
Project Harmony for Win-Win Conflict Intervention, Resolution and Management Institutions
Project Harmony, by Ethics Resource Centre and Exam Ethics Marshals International, was launched to promote industrial harmony in institutions and workplaces, to prevent avoidable conflicts and ensure that unavoidable conflicts are resolved early to avoid their escalation, shutdown of institutions and disruptions of academic calendars. The Project is equipping stakeholders with industrial relations, communication, negotiation, bargaining, leadership, policy-making, decision-making, mediation, arbitration skills for prevention and early resolution of conflicts through capacity building summits and conferences. Harmony Summits and Conferences provide non-formal, neutral, harmonious and relaxed environment for governments, educational institutions, labour unions, regulators, service providers and employees to meet and exchange views on important issues.
The project is supported and facilitated by critical stakeholders including: Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment; Federal Ministry of Education; Nigeria Labour Congress; Trade Union Congress of Nigeria; Institute of Peace and Conflict Resolution; Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators; Nigeria Institute of Public Relations; National Commission for Colleges of Education; National Board for Technical Education; National Universities Commission; Nigeria Employers Consultative Association.
Joint Education Stakeholders Action Coalition (Project JESAC)
JESAC is the voluntary Political Action Coalition of critical education unions and associations that span the entire gamut of education sector, from primary to tertiary, to provide a platform for education stakeholders to speak with one voice with their votes to elect education-friendly political leaders. Launched in 2010 and coordinated by Ethics Resource Centre and Exam Ethics Marshals International, JESAC mobilizes education unions and associations to leverage their brain power, organization, network, skills and population to support education and ethics friendly candidates in national, gubernatorial and legislative elections. The philosophical foundation of JESAC is that it makes strategic sense for education stakeholders to be proactive political play makers and game changers focused on electing ethics and education friendly political leaders who will be positively pre-disposed to provide and effectively manage resources for transformation of education.
Members of JESAC include: Nigeria Union of Teachers, Association of Primary School Head Teachers, All Nigerian Confederation of Principals of Secondary Schools, Senior Staff Association of Nigeria Universities, Non Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions , Academic Staff Union of Universities, Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics, Colleges of Education Academic Staff Union, National Parent Teachers Association of Nigeria, Senior Staff Union of Colleges of Education, Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Polytechnics, Conference of Alumni Associations of Colleges of Education, National Parents Association of Federal Unity Secondary Schools and National Association of Education Secretaries of Nigeria.
Ethics, Due Diligence and Good Governance Empowerment Project (Project EDGE)
Implemented by Ethics Resource Centre and Exam Ethics Marshals International, Project Edge empowers political office holders, career civil servants and professional managers with a one-stop, cost-effective, comprehensive body of knowledge for understanding and decoding complex information matrix of international, national and state anti-corruption treaties, conventions, laws; to help comply due diligence and good governance rules and regulations; avoid anti-corruption trigger point and banana peel issues; and deliver high-impact, award-winning performance for governments and organizations.
Exam Ethics Awards
Exam Ethics Marshals International instituted various categories of awards to Recognize and celebrate deserving stakeholders as models and heroes for outstanding and distinguished contributions to promotion of best practices in education with a view to inspiring other stakeholders to join in taking actions..