Register and Train
The Marshal Movement is a big success story. You can reach out to us if you are interested in knowing more.

Online Marshal Training
Exam Ethics Marshals International (EEMI) initiated full online training of Marshals in April 2021 to enhance content and quality, This has drastically reduced the time and cost of the training process to offer more ethics-friendly education stakeholders the opportunity to join in promoting best practices in admission, teaching, examination, certification, registration and regulation processes in education.
The Marshal Movement is a big success story. We need to do more to bring more stakeholders to volunteer, bond, and work together as we advance towards achieving the vision of planting and strengthening chapters of Exam Ethics Marshals and Exam Ethics Student Clubs in every primary, secondary and tertiary education institution in the world.
Register and Train at zero cost as a CERTIFIED EXAM ETHICS MARSHAL to join the action and save lives. Visit examethicstraining.com to start.
Start Exam Ethics Marshals Chapter in Your Institution.
Chapters of Exam Ethics Marshals are already operational or being established in many educational institutions across Africa and other parts of the world championed, pioneered and facilitated by Marshals and Marshals-Designate and supported by ethics-friendly CEOs of public and private sector institutions, agencies, organizations. Take the bull by the horn today. If you are a certified and accredited Exam Ethics Marshals, join the chapter in your institution if it is already existing. If it is not yet in existence, apply to start one today. New chapters can be established in institutions by at least two Marshals-Designate in institutions where they are not yet existing. Marshals and Designates already have copies of Exam Ethics Manual and other books that outline operational details of the Movement.
Exam Ethics Student's Club.
Exam Ethics Students Clubs are established in Primary, Secondary and tertiary institutions as vehicles for sustained propagation of exam ethics campaign and as platform for inculcating exam ethics ideologies in pupils and students at an early age. The establishment of Exam Ethics Students Clubs in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions constitutes one of the cardinal programmes of the school chapter of Exam Ethics Marshals. Usually only Heads of Institutions, Certified Exam Ethics Marshals or Marshals-Designates are granted approval establish and supervise Exam Ethics Clubs in schools. This is because effective exam ethics mentoring of pupils and students flows from knowledge and understanding of the vision, mission, ideologies, principles and programs of exam ethics campaign.
Friends & Partners
Enlist as a Friend and Partner Institution.
Certification as Exam Ethics Friend and Partner Institution (EE-FPI) is a stamp of integrity that proclaims the total commitment of the institution to the code of truth, honor and integrity that govern the search for and dissemination of knowledge; to unwavering commitment to best practices in admission, training, examination, certification, registration, regulation and administrative processes in education; and to zero tolerance to exam malpractice, academic dishonesty, campus cultism and corruption in education.
Five factors qualify educational institutions for certification as Exam Ethics Friends and Partners: ethics-friendly CEO with zero tolerance for malpractices and total commitment to defending the code of truth, honor and integrity that govern the search for and dissemination of knowledge; facilitation of training of staff of institution as Exam Ethics Marshals; establishment of operational chapter of Exam Ethics Marshals; establishment of operational chapter of Exam Ethics Students Club; and provision of institutional support and facilitation for effective operations of Exam Ethics Marshals and Students Chapters.